Management and the wider workforce are essential to ensuring the success of this policy. We all have a legal responsibility to comply with it, and any of us, however senior or junior we are, may be personally liable for unlawful discrimination if we breach its terms.
Overall responsibility for the effective implementation and operation of the policy lies with management, specifically with the board of directors. Everyone working at managerial level is expected to act in full accordance with this policy, lead by example, and attain and maintain appropriate standards of behaviour within the teams they manage.
The ethos and standards covered by this policy can only be achieved and maintained if everyone in our workforce cooperates fully. It is important to understand that you have a legal responsibility to comply. If you breach this policy, you may also make the Company liable for your actions and we may both have to pay compensation to anyone who claims against us. We expect you to take personal responsibility for adhering to this policy’s aims and commitments and for drawing any actual or potential breaches to our attention.
We also encourage everyone who works for us to help promote equal opportunities across the Company. Please contact your manager if you have any ideas about how we could do this better, or you would like to be more involved in achieving this policy’s aims.
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