What is the new repeat prescription process?

Our new repeat prescription process means that your clinician can now prescribe up to a maximum of a year’s supply of your HRT in advance for you and then you can request what you need by contacting the Pharmacy directly.

The Pharmacy usually send 3 months of HRT at a time, but you can have more than this if you wish by contacting them.

It is  important that you have annual reviews if you would like to continue to have HRT prescribed via Newson Health.

You will no longer be able to use the repeat order form on the Newson Health Website to order HRT. All you need to do is contact the Pharmacy for your next supply. When the Pharmacy send you your last prescription, they will remind you to book an appointment for an annual review with your clinician at Newson Health.

WATCH the video: How will I get a prescription following my appointment with Newson Health?

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